About West Sacramento
Although West Sacramento is separated by the county, which ids the Sacramento River, West Sacramento is contiguous with Sacramento. Therefore, Sacramento and West Sacramento are located in different counties. West Sacramento is located in Yolo County. West Sacramento is a very fast growing community. The conventional industrial hub of the area since the day of the Gold Rush period, West Sacramento is one of the top four employment centers in the region and is home to a diverse economy. In the categories of communities that have less than 100,000 residents, in 2014, West Sacramento was named the most livable city in America by the US Conference of Mayors. The primary industries in the area are transportation, government, and agriculture.
The most common occupations in West Sacramento by percentage include 8% driver/sales workers and truck drivers, 6% grounds and building cleaning and maintenance positions, 5% material movers and hand laborers, 4% installation, repair, and maintenance positions and electrical equipment technicians and mechanics including supervisors, 4%scheduling, material recording distributing, and dispatching workers, 4% mobile equipment and vehicle repairers, installers, and mechanics, and 4% other production occupations including supervisors. Between 2008 and 2012, the most common industries in West Sacramento by percentage included 12% construction, 11% public administration, 9% transportation and warehousing, 8% retail trade, 8% scientific, professional, and technical services, 7% manufacturing, and 6% wholesale trade. In 2013 the unemployment rate in West Sacramento was 13.5%, as compared to the unemployment rate in the state of California of 9.3%. As of 2014, there are 103 registered sex offenders living in West Sacramento. In 2012, there were 1.31 full time police officers for every 1,000 residents of West Sacramento, as compared to 2.36 full time police officers for every 1,000 residents of the state of California.
There are 11,443 people, or 23.7% of the residents of West Sacramento who were born in a foreign country, as compared 27.1% of the residents of the state of California. For the population of West Sacramento who are 15 years old or older, 30.8% of that population have never been married, 49.7% of that population are currently married, 2.5% of that population are currently separated, 5.0% of that population are currently widowed, and 12.0% of that population are currently divorced. For the population of West Sacramento who are 25 years old or older, 81.2% of that population have a high school education or greater, 23.5% of that population have a Bachelorís or greater, 7.0% of that population have a graduate or professional degree, and 12.2% of that population are unemployed. The mean time to commute to work is 21,7 minutes.
The racial makeup of West Sacramento by number and percentage is 23,202 people, or 48.1% of the population are White, 15,445 people, or 32.0% of the population are Hispanic, 4,213 people, or 8.7% of the population are Asian, 1,946 people, or 4.0% of the population are two or more races, 599 people, or 1.2% of the population are Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islanders, 454 people, or 0.9% of the population are Native American, and 162 people, or 0.3% of the population are other races.
In 2012, the mean gross rent was $878. In 2011, the mean price of all housing units was $338,103, of detached houses was $393,820, of townhomes or other attached units was $398,903, of structures having two units was $137,225, of structures having three to four units was $163,363, of structures having five or more units was $952,547, of mobile homes was $64,600, and of occupied RVís, vans, and boats was $54,091. In 2012, the approximate median value of a condominium or a house in West Sacramento was $216,190, as compared to $99.900 in 2000, and as compared to the approximate value of a condominium or house in the state of California of $349,400. In 2012, the estimated per capita income was $23,820. In 2012, the estimated income for a household in West Sacramento was $47,872, as compared to $31,718 in 2000, and as compared to the estimated income for a household in the state of California of $58,328.
The median age of the residents of West Sacramento is 33.6 years old, as compared to the median age of the residents of the state of California of 32.1 years old. There are 24.010 people, or 48.5% of the population of West Sacramento who are male and 25,513, or 51.5% of the population of West Sacramento who are female. In 2012, the population of West Sacramento was 49,523 people, which represented a 56.6% increase in the population of West Sacramento since 2000.